Jake Bernstein Cycles Webinar


Jake Bernstein
Cycles Webinar
Presented February 2014
1 hr  45 min 




Jake Bernstein
Cycles Webinar
Presented February 2014
1 hr  45 min 

Understanding and finding highly reliable patterns and cycles, has allowed me to make some AMAZINGLY correct forecasts many times, for many years, and in many futures markets, as well as stocks, economies and real estate!
And YOU can do the same using my easily learned and applied cycles methods.
Finding, using, projecting and timing cycles MY WAY isn’t difficult.
I can teach it to anyone!

  • How to find cycles the fast and easy way
  • Long-term, intermediate and short-term cycles
  • Cycles in spreads and ratios
  • The HUGE combination CYCLES + Commitment of Traders
  • What the cycles are saying now
  • Timing and Cycles
  • Why the cycles now are more important than ever!
  • When to USE and BELIEVE cycles and when not to
  • Combining cycles for best results
  • Cycles as a SETUP tool in the Setup-Trigger and Follow-through model
  • Intraday cycles: fact or fantasy?
  • My best cycles for traders and investors
  • Seasonal cycles
  • How the cycles allow me to consistently and correctly forecast big moves
  • Do the economic cycles now forecast deflation or inflation?
  • And much more!